Get the most out of your review game, and get inspired by other businesses who successfully use SureCritic’s platform to improve their customer’s experience and achieve better business outcomes.

How to Solicit Reviews
Since the beginning of commerce, a basic tenant of improving your customer’s experience has been to ask them about their experience, whether that be in person, via phone, survey or now online review.

Complete Response Guide
You must respond to the happy customers, the unhappy customers, and the customers that just seem to want to complain. Replying to a review sooner rather than later shows your business’ dedication to the customer’s feedback.

How to Respond to Positive Reviews
Positive reviews need attention too! These are the customers that took time out of their day to brag about you!

How to Respond to Negative Reviews
Learn how to change a negative experience into lifetime loyalty! The most loyal customers are those who have had their concerns personally addressed.

How to Respond to Fake Reviews
Businesses will receive reviews from someone who they know has not been a customer previously or the feedback given was not even from a human. When these fake reviews occur, business owners need to know the proper way to handle it.

How to Respond to Non-Verified Reviews
Non-verified reviews can be difficult. Are they fake? Are they real? Is it positive? Is it negative? All questions we must ask to evaluate how to handle non-verified reviews.

Badges & Widgets
A review badge or widget on your own website can provide easier access for your consumers to read and write reviews and make it effortless for them to find you. It is a way to drive consumer traffic to your business review page (BRP) for further insight about your company while free from competitive ads.